There is no ‘critical’ Self, there is only ‘Self!’ and what is Self? Self is the Conscious Energy that causes Self propulsion of all actions!
It is called ‘conscious’ because it has ‘Viveka’ or the ability to segregate and ‘decide’ the course of actions one needs to take in his day to day life. The Sanskrit expression “Viveka” is called “Wisdom” in English.
When Viveka is tapped, man is able to take decisions that are right because Viveka knows what is right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, good and bad. When Viveka is invoked, it gives “clarity” to man and he is able to arrive at ‘correct conclusions.’
“Buddhi” is one of the inner organs of mind and it is that ‘makes wisdom possible’. The one who has abundance of Buddhi is called “Buddha” or ‘the wise.’ All the accomplishments in life becomes possible when one learns the art of managing the Self within to arrive right decisions.
What is often prescribed to manage the “whole self” of man is a science called “Yoga” and yoga is the art of “integrating the Self with the world outside”. When practiced, it enables man to perform at optimum level on both on mental, physical and spiritual level!
Yoga has a structured progression and these have been divided into 8 limbs or “Ashtanga” called, Yama : Universal morality / Niyama : Personal observances/ Asanas : Body postures / Pranayama : Breathing exercises, and control of prana / Pratyahara : Control of the senses / Dharana : Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness / Dhyana : Devotion, Meditation on the Divine / Samadhi : Yogic absorption of life.
Our universe is called “Cosmos” because it is said to be ‘conscious’ of what it is doing and man is said to be a replica of Cosmos! Cosmos always maintains a “Natural Balance” for its own sustenance. When this natural balance is lost, often it results in destruction!
When man is able exercise his option to maintain a natural balance of his emotions, he is able to take right decisions, follow appropriate actions that are constructive and not destructive. When he is able to do this, he would not allow extreme emotions like hatred, anger, frustrations or hopelessness to ‘rule’ his own “Self within” and does constructive work. This is called “Sama Buddhi.”
West calls this “Emotional Intelligence” of a person to “handle his own self and others” by arriving at ‘better options’ and Dr Daniel Goleman advocates that this can be done through four stages, “Self Awareness,” “Self-Management,” “Empathy” and then Putting all the three in to any relationship!
Besides Emotional Intelligence that manages one’s emotions, he also requires “Practical Intelligence” to arrive at practical decisions to logically suit the work in hand for the results envisaged. Abundance of practical knowledge is called common sense.
C Devidasan,
Vice President, WOW Factors